December Newsletter

Another blur of  a year has passed! At Meals on Wheels, our work life seems to be a  constant frenzy of  projects, activities, and  change.  There are never enough hours to complete every project we envision, to consider every new idea, or to fully  express our gratitude for our supporters.

Particularly during the holidays, we hear from individuals and groups who wish to support us in some way. Even when  the offers are ones we cannot accept, we nonetheless appreciate that our community continues to think of our program and our seniors. January’s newsletter will include a list of all the folks who supported our mission in 2021. We know we can’t accomplish our work without the support of this generous community.

Our work is also  enhanced by  the dedicated folks at Southeast Washington Aging and Long Term Care, the folks who provide guidance to ensure that we comply with regulations and use State funding in a manner that best serves our seniors.  We work hand-in-hand  in mission to prolong the independent living of our clients.

The SE WA ALTC staff works diligently to help us access available funds to improve our program.  They were recently able to redesignate some funds to allow us to purchase two vital pieces of equipment that broke nearly simultaneously: our blast chiller and our tilt skillet. Combined cost & installation of this equipment is nearly $100,000! Without the efforts of ALTC, we would have had very difficult decisions to make regarding the quality and age of replacement equipment. Through their assistance, we are awaiting installation of new, high-quality equipment that will serve this community for many years.

No end-of-year message would be complete without a thank-you to the entire Senior Life Resources team! In addition to the Meals on Wheels staff who dedicate themselves to the service of seniors, we have a great team of folks who make the magic happen behind the scenes. We are grateful for the folks who support us in Finance, Payroll, and Human Resources. We are also thankful to work with our sister program, Home Care Services, who provide amazing personal care for many seniors and disabled folks throughout southeast Washington.

As we look forward to the beginning of a new year, I’d also like to thank our clients for the notes and phone calls of encouragement. Our staff and volunteers feel privileged to serve, and hearing from our clients is a special added bonus.  Thank you and Happy Holidays!

Wishing you all a most happy and healthy 2022!

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