January Newsletter

Happy New Year! Wishing all of you a very happy and healthy 2022! As I’m writing this newsletter, it is cold, cold, cold!But the good news is that we’re increasing our home delivered service to 4 days a week, tentatively effective January10th, contingent on the enough volunteers. The new year is off to a good […]

December Newsletter

Another blur of  a year has passed! At Meals on Wheels, our work life seems to be a  constant frenzy of  projects, activities, and  change.  There are never enough hours to complete every project we envision, to consider every new idea, or to fully  express our gratitude for our supporters. Particularly during the holidays, we […]

November Newsletter

In this month when we make a point to be thankful, I’d like to share a couple incidents that occurred in October, both of which make me so thankful for my position with Meals on Wheels, working for and with so many amazing staff and  volunteers and clients! —We have a wonderful volunteer who helps […]

October Newsletter

Fall has officially arrived! For Meals on Wheels staff, fall brings means wrapping up projects, preparation for upcoming holiday meals, and emergency planning for likely wintery weather issues. Each year we re-evaluate our snow days protocols in an attempt to ensure that our processes best serve our   senior clients while still providing safety for our […]

Kristi’s Update

Kristi’s Update  Happy New Year! I love the start of a new year. It always seems like an exciting  and hope-filled start of something unknown, with endless possibilities. This year at Meals on Wheels, we’ll be looking ahead to our future while taking some time to honor our past. 2019 marks our 45th anniversary serving the […]