March Newsletter

Hello! I would like to take a moment to introduce myself. I am Cara Hernandez, the new Director for Meals on Wheels. I am a Tri-Cities Native that moved away to obtain my undergraduate and graduate degrees, then moved back to the Tri-Cities in 2013, once my grandparents needed additional help. I am grateful that I had the opportunity to be a part of their everyday lives as they aged. One way that I assisted in their care from afar and maintaining their independence was enrolling them in the Mid-Columbia Meals on Wheels program. More than once, our family received calls after a concern was prompted by their volunteer driver, and each time I was so grateful for that second set of eyes when we weren’t able to be there. For this and many reasons, I am excited to be a part of this wonderful
organization and to serve our community in a way that is meaningful and with which I have a heartfelt connection.

I reside in Richland with my husband, David, and our dog and cat, Dottie and Simon. We spend our free time hiking, cycling, reading, walking shelter dogs, finding new food to try and regions to explore. I was fortunate to be hired in June 2022 as the Associate Director to train under and learn from Kristi as she planned for her retirement and because of that, I have already had the opportunity to meet many wonderful folks! I feel incredibly lucky to have learned from Kristi and orient myself with this incredible program. The most impactful part of my training has been witnessing the dedication of our team and the community involvement with Meals on Wheels, and meeting and interacting with our wonderful clients. Wow! The way that area organizations, community members, and supporters come together with our passionate team to facilitate the work that we do is awe-inspiring. I thank YOU for being a part of that, and I cannot wait to work together with you and continue the good work we do. If you have any questions for me at all or want to introduce yourself, please feel free to reach out any time.
Phone: 509.735.1911 email:

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