January Newsletter

With mixed emotions I share that the New Year will bring a new director to
Meals on Wheels (MOW).

The opportunity to have served as the program director has truly been a
pinnacle experience for me professionally and deeply fulfilling personally.
The care and passion that our staff and volunteers have for MOW’s mission
and clients is nothing short of inspirational. Couple that with the gratitude
that our clients regularly express and – to use a holiday analogy – I feel like
my heart has grown three sizes. I’ve included some photos here of some of
our December holiday fun.

Meals on Wheels is a special program, and I am excited to share that I am
not leaving Senior Life Resources. With the support of SLR’s Executive Director, I am moving into another position that provides greater flexibility. A
new director will be announced soon.

Wishing everyone a joyous and blessed New Year!

Carla Martinez

Read Full Newsletter in Spanish (PDF)

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