August Newsletter

Hello to all our valued clients, volunteers and friends!

I want to introduce myself and share that July brought a change to our program staffing. With an unexpected resignation from Cara Hernandez, I stepped into the Meals on Wheels Director position. I am honored and excited to be of service for such a worthy program.

I started here in June, coming from a career (and volunteering) with not-for-profits, ranging from healthcare and human services to public power. My passion for our mission – helping seniors live healthy, independent lives – was sparked with my first high school job – senior dining. I cherish many memories from those early years. The spark later ignited as I helped my parents maintain their independence as long as possible through their final years of life. I feel blessed that my career has “come full circle” with my new role at Meals on Wheels.

I am extremely grateful for and encouraged by the committed volunteers and staff that make our mission happen every day. It takes a village to serve more than 2,000 clients a year, and it’s only with the tremendous dedication and support from staff, volunteers and our community that we can do it.

Please stop by and say hi if you’re in the neighborhood of our Fowler campus. I’ll be happy to talk “shop” or discuss favorite pastimes. Some of mine include travel, gardening, reading, and good times with my hubby, family, friends, and my dog Daizee.

Carla Martinez, Meals on Wheels Director

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